Industry of War Full Resin Kit

War World Gaming
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The Industry of War Full Resin Kit is our complete range of Industry of War resin terrain pieces, which include objective markers, defensive positions as well as some table scatter to add realistic details to your industrial battleboard. Produced from high quality resin, the terrain pieces are supplied unpainted and are perfect for all Sci-Fi and modern wargames. Disclaimers: MDF kits require modelling tools and glue to assemble. Any residual smell from laser cutting will dissipate within a few days. Resin material is hand-poured, so some modelling may be required.

  • Full set of sci-fi resin terrain pieces by War World Gaming
  • Produced from high quality resin and supplied unpainted
  • Complements the Industry of War multi-storey industrial gaming environment
  • Perfect for Warhammer, 40k, Shadow War, Necromunda, or any Sci-Fi/Modern 28mm Wargame
  • Kit contains a range of defensive positions, objective markers and a selection of table scatter

Part of the Industry of War range of modular battle environments by War World Gaming. These multi-level arenas recreate the fierce fighting within factory complexes as your armies look to assert their control over vitally important strategic positions. Our easy-to-assemble kits are supplied pre-painted or unpainted and are produced from high quality 3mm laser-cut MDF which can be disassembled once you have defeated your enemies. Industry of War also features a range of highly detailed resin terrain pieces to further enhance and expand the battlefield. Perfect for almost any 20mm – 28mm modern or sci-fi wargame.

Kit contains: 1 x Defensive Bunker (L x W x H): 145 x 90 x 300 mm, 3 x Barricades (L x W x H): 150 x 35 x 40 mm, 2 x Small Crates (L x W x H): 20 x 20 x 22 mm, 1 x Large Crate (L x W x H): 33 x 24 x 22 mm, 2 x Barrels (W x H): 17 x 25 mm, 1 x Air-Conditioning Unit (L x W x H): 35 x 35 x 20 mm, 1 x Computer Terminal (L x W x H): 50 x 40 x 55 mm, 1 x Forcefields – Straight Setup (L x W x H): 250 x 30 x 50 mm, 3 x Cess Pits (Varying Sizes): 1 x Large – 100mm x 70mm, 2 x Medium – 75mm x 50mm